Yesterday marked DAY 100 of our US Adventure!! Hard to believe that we left Maine 100 days ago….but we’ve enjoyed every moment of it!
Having watched the mile markers go by for over 10,000 miles now, we sometimes get a little slap happy on our driving days! To pass the time away, we decided to "interview" ourselves… since Ellen wasn't interested and Oprah retired! We thought sharing our Q&A with you might be an excellent way to celebrate Day 100!
Q: What's been the biggest adjustment of being on the road?
A: Showering & shaving!! I like the luxury of long, hot showers.....6 gallons of hot water goes REALLY fast! Not to mention attempting to shave in a space that is barely large enough to turn around in is a total PIA!
our HUGE shower ;) |
T: The fact that when you flush the toilet you aren't officially done with the "flushing process". You still have to dump your tank before you leave camp. Personally, once I'm done, I'd like to be done.
Step 1 - Pull hose out of bumper |
Step 2 - Connect to camper |
Step 3 - Connect hose to "dump station" and pull the lever |
Q: What 3 things do you miss most about home?
A: My family (very thankful for skype!), having space for all of our STUFF and making/eating jelly shots :) Luckily, we brought our stuff on the road and recently made some in our camper....and captured it on video! Click here to check it out!
T: The Peanut (mazda convertible!), Friday night pizza at Portland Pie with my 714 mug (I trust Mary is taking good care of it), and my comfy leather chair!
Note: The Snapple Cooler almost made the list for both of us!
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That was then.... |
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....and this is now! |
Q: What 3 things do you miss the least?
A: Cleaning/mowing/weeding the old house (Tracy's note: Amy still sweeps and cleans the camper like crazy!!), scooping the cat boxes and early morning tee times (although I do miss golf!)
T: Mowing/Mulching/Leaves - definitely; Maine’s unpredictable summer weather – it’s been almost 100 days of per sunshine out here; not having a TV - very surprising b/c I thought I'd miss that the most!!
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming weeks?
A: Seeing the mass ascension at the Hot Air Balloon Festival and catching some great music in Austin & Nashville.
T: New Orleans! Can’t wait to experience Bourbon Street.
Q: What has been the scariest moment thus far?
A: Hiking through the woods of Yellowstone expecting a grizzly at every turn (only to finally make it through and a damn bison was blocking the end of the trail!).
just what I wanted to read before a hike |
pull up a log...we're going to be here a while |
T: Honestly, I haven't had any true scary moments - but boondocking at a Wal-Mart in Elkhart, IN, we did sleep with a big knife by our bed.
Q: 4 days in there was a camper switch.....what is your favorite feature about the new camper?
A: Well, the practical side of me says the tank gauges. Old camper = guessing how full our fresh, grey & black tanks were. New camper = push a button & the gauges tell us! However....I also love the esthetics of the new camper much better....lighter cabinets, throw pillows & hardwood-looking floors (if you know me - you aren't too surprised!!)
T: Definitely practical things - a bigger (working) fridge, the tank gauges, and the toilet has a foot flush instead of a hand flush - that's the BEST!
Camper #1 |
Camper #2 |
Q: Living in a small space can be tough. What item are you most tired of moving around?
A: The container of kitchen utensils.....NOT enough counter space!
T: OMG - the laundry basket. Makes me absolutely nuts. Close second is Amy's handbag which has been named MOTH (moving of the handbag)
Q: Space is a commodity in a small camper. What item(s) do you think the other person could have lived without?
A: An electric toothbrush! She brought a regular toothbrush + an electric one with extra brush heads, cords, etc. Good lord!
T: A little black dress and 2 Cole Haan Handbags. I'm convinced we are not on the same CAMPING trip!
Q: Are there any items you left at home that you wish you had?
A & T: Same answer - a 2nd pair of binoculars!!
Q: What is your biggest dumb-ass moment on the trip so far?
A: I tend to be a bit I have 3: breaking the door holder the 1st day, dumping the cooler (spilling water everywhere!) in the car being a goofball driver & setting the car alarm off in an otherwise very quiet campground!
T: Leaving the camera on top of the car after sticking my body out the sunroof to snap a photo of a Coyote (luckily it survived!), and setting off the smoke alarm in the camper....multiple times!!!
Q: Battle of the radio.....if you're in charge, what are you listening to?
A: Sirius....either Highway Country or Coffeehouse Rock. Current songs stuck in my head = Adele's "Someone like you", Lady Antebellum's "Just a kiss" & Thompson Square's "Are you gonna kiss me or not". And of course - BRANDI CARLILE!!
T: Sirius Radio Rocks! It's all about 80's on 8 for me. My current favs are: Romeo Void's "Never Say Never" (aka: I might like you better if we slept together), Prince's "Purple Rain". And I've found some forgotten IPOD songs...A Fine Frenzy's "Ashes and Wine" is a winner!
Q: What is your favorite time of day out on the road?
A: Night-time....lying in bed & listening to the sounds outside the camper....reminds me of tenting as a kid. Such a wonderful time to reflect....on my day, my life, the people in my life, etc.
T: Morning, of course! Starbucks in hand, a nice walk, and the smell of bacon and eggs are the best!
Thanks for you have any questions for us?
Until the next exit,
This is awesome! Thanks for the laugh... 2 CH handbags? Really?
ReplyDeleteLoved that post! So interesting! I love how Tracy wonders if you are on the same camping trip with the handbags! Glad to hear it is going so well. What an unbelievable adventure for the two of you. Seems like it is just strengthening your relationship too. If you can survive 100 days (so far) in a little camper together, you can make it through anything. Yay. Hugs to you both!
ReplyDeleteMark - yes....2 CH handbags....a girl needs a black and a brown....if not, a fashion faux pas is inevitable!
ReplyDeleteBarbara - Thank you for being such a loyal reader...we love your comments :)